
Exams at the school!

Exams are the exercise that show better our level in one subject, because during the test there is nobody who can tell us how we can do the exercises. So, if a teacher wants to know our knowledge in his subject he/she must make an exam. In my opinion, tests help us to improve our level.

The first reason why we have to take exams is because if we want to get a good mark, we have to study. If we don’t take exams probably we won’t study, so why should we come to school? The second reason is that meanwhile we are answering an exam we have to be concentrated and we have to control our nerves and this is really important, because that will help us in our labour life. The last reason is that exams are a motivation for us. If we haven’t exams we won’t listen carefully during the classes, because nobody will ask us about that.

So, as I wrote before, tests improve our level. To sum up, I think that the exams are really important in our studies, and if we don’t take the tests, the education will disappear with them.

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