
Should you look after your parents?

In the past, there was a strong moral obligation on people to look after their parents. Nowadays, on the other hand, more and more people are choosing to put their elderly parents in special "homes".
There are several arguments in favour of old people's homes. Firstly, the residents are well-looked after by trained staff and there is usually a doctor permanently on duty. Secondly, the old people are among people of their own age and interests, and, at the same time, their children are free to live own lives.
On the other hand, children owe a great deal to their parents, so should be willing to take care of them. It cannot be society's responsibility to do this. In addition, grandparents can help their children and have a beneficial effect on their children's children.
In short, I believe that children are under a moral obligation to look after their aged parents. It is good for the old people themselves, their children, and their grandchildren.

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